Saturday, October 13, 2012

One's Self

“Be true to yourself.” I bet that’s a phrase you heard growing up. Don’t give into peer pressure, stay true to yourself, don’t do something because other people are doing it be true to yourself. How many of us are truly true to ourselves? I realize that that’s a lot of “trues” but its true! You are the most dependable person that you will ever have in your life. Yes you may let yourself down from time to time or disappoint yourself but when it comes down to it, you don’t have to wonder what you are things or why you did something, deep down you know. When times get rough you are always there. When you accomplish something big, who is the first person to know? Yourself.  The pride you get from doing something well doesn’t have to be shared. You are your own best friend. And sometimes you are your own biggest challenger. Thing is when you are truely alone and you figure things out, you don't have to thank anyone or depend on anyone for consistency, because you know that no matter what , you will always be there.

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