Thursday, November 29, 2012

There's a Little White Church

There’s a little white church on a quiet county road,
It holds many secrets and stories to be told.
There are many wooden pews, worn and used,
Filled by people with the same old views.

There’s a little white church filled with voices,
And a congregation that makes the same choices.
The wooden floors, show the treads,
Where people walk and children are wedged.

There’s a little white church where many are married,
And then later on, children are carried.
The metal rails on the sides of the step,
Have kids hanging right and left.

There’s a little white church, where many gather,
To hear the a sermon and lots of chatter,
Dresses and skirts, ties and shirts,
Marking the Sabbath and a day for church.

There’s a little white church that filled with singing,
Songs and hymns with the organ ringing.
Words that calm me, make me feel safe,
Words of joy, of love, of wrath.

There’s a little white church that fills my past,
Memories and ways that are bound to last.
Ideas with which I don’t agree,
But things that are special cause they make me, me. 

Sunday, November 4, 2012

You're Welcome

You’re welcome to bring up Church,
But you better not question it.
You’re welcome to talk about what other churches believe,
But you better not believe it.
You’re welcome to question beliefs,
But you better be satisfied with the answers you get.
You’re welcome to come to church,
But you better be wearing a dress and no makeup.
You’re welcome to go to school,
But you better not let it interfere with you raising kids.
You’re welcome to have non-believer friends,
But church friends are your real friends.
You are welcome in our home,
But you better Believe.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

One's Self

“Be true to yourself.” I bet that’s a phrase you heard growing up. Don’t give into peer pressure, stay true to yourself, don’t do something because other people are doing it be true to yourself. How many of us are truly true to ourselves? I realize that that’s a lot of “trues” but its true! You are the most dependable person that you will ever have in your life. Yes you may let yourself down from time to time or disappoint yourself but when it comes down to it, you don’t have to wonder what you are things or why you did something, deep down you know. When times get rough you are always there. When you accomplish something big, who is the first person to know? Yourself.  The pride you get from doing something well doesn’t have to be shared. You are your own best friend. And sometimes you are your own biggest challenger. Thing is when you are truely alone and you figure things out, you don't have to thank anyone or depend on anyone for consistency, because you know that no matter what , you will always be there.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

So what.

So I don’t agree with your ways.
I don’t think that you are right.
It’s not how I want to live.
I’m done with this craze.
So what.
So I do things you don’t.
I’m a rebel.
An unbeliever.
I can’t put up the front.
So what.
So I want to leave .
To start again.
To begin anew
I don’t care if you will grieve.
So what.
So I’m done.
I quit.
It’s not like I'm the first one.
So why do you care.

Monday, October 8, 2012


The things you learn as a child are like a tree, they have roots deep down into your everyday life and they provide a sturdy, trusty foundation for the rest of your life. There is room to grow up, to build up one that foundation but it always comes back down to the basis. There is a saying that the apple never falls far from the tree. Meaning that children are like their parents. In many ways parents encourage their children to stay in the orchard, they don’t want them to fall far from the tree because when they are close they will have the same nourishment, the same atmosphere and the same nutrients as the parent tree has, hopefully this means that the sapling will grow big and strong like the parent tree. Sometimes however the apple seed gets carried just a bit farther. Not far enough to be out of the shadow but close enough to see what’s out there. Close enough to wonder what it would be like to leave the shadows of the orchard. The main problem is that once you leave to orchard you might not want to come back. And if you don’t come back you lose the comfort and consistency of those around you. Once you leave the orchard you will change and change like that is not considered a good thing. So you remain on the edge, halfway in and halfway out, wanting to experience the new but scared of what life may bring without the old.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

An Uncertain Future

I was told you are unsure of what you are going to be doing,
Not positive of your destination or the journey.
And as I pondered this thought and thought as I pondered,
I wondered, what’s the hurry?

Certainty is held in esteem by many,
There are people in this world who map out their lives to a T,
Their futures are set in stone and they are sure where they are going,
They know exactly what they will do and where they will be.

However, though this way of life in constant and sure,
It leaves no room for error, no room for spontaneity, no room for change.
The problem with this being that with everything in place
We don’t have any space for things new and strange.

So perhaps often uncertainty is misunderstood,
And if taken in the right context,
It can be better than good.

An Uncertain future is certainly full,
Of possibilities, of Hope, it’s in your control.
So go boldly, go freely, take many chances,
It won’t ruin your life; it will more likely enhance it!

Best wishes to you on this road that you’re taking,
And while you are leaving things behind,
You’ve got memories to be making.
It’s a new stage in life and I’m certain you’ll find,
If not what just what you’re looking for, at least some peace of mind.